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Las Vegas Trademark attorneys

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There are many options for finding the best Las Vegas attorney for trademarks. The Gerben Law Firm, Xavier Morales, and Eric Kohli are some of the names that come to mind. You should be able to verify the qualifications of any Las Vegas trademark lawyer before hiring them. Each is highly qualified. The Super Lawyers index can help you find an attorney that you can trust.

Xavier Morales

Xavier Morales is a Las Vegas-based expert trademark attorney. He is a licensed trademark attorney who has filed over 5,000 trademark applications with the USPTO. He may be the right person to help you find a Las Vegas trademark lawyer. Xavier began his trademark law business in 2007.

online trademark attorneys

Gerben Law Firm

Gerben Law Firm PLLC has the best trademark lawyers for Nevada if you plan to start a new business. Although they are not based in the state, they can still help you register a federal trademark. Josh Gerben was a trademark attorney and founder of the firm. He was also recognized by World Trademark Review in 2008 as a top US trademark filer. They specialize in providing full trademark services to entrepreneurs and established companies. Gerben Law Firm is known for providing outstanding customer service. They keep clients informed at all stages of the process.

A trademark attorney will prepare comprehensive status reports for each company's trademarks. This report will contain vital information such as assignment documents, trademark transfers documents, declarations of incontestability or use. It will also include renewals if they are due. It can be difficult for trademark owners to keep track. Gerben Law Firm can provide a detailed report to help ensure your company has a distinct brand identity.

Eric Kohli

Eric Kohli, a Las Vegas trademark law attorney, has extensive knowledge in the enforcement and prosecution of trademarks worldwide. He is also a recognised intellectual property litigator. He has worked on numerous patent infringement matters for different corporations. In addition, he is certified in CodeSuite computer forensics. Kohli is a member of both the South Asian Bar Association as well as the Las Vegas Bar Association. He earned his J.D. from Northern Illinois University.

trademark lawyer near me

Eric's law practice covers many technical areas. However, Eric is skilled in electrical, mechanical and software arts. In addition to software, his practice encompasses medical, culinary, and apparel arts. His inventive approach has earned him many allowances and final rejections. His most remarkable accomplishment may be the ability to create inventive solutions in complex situations. Here is a selection of some of his patents.


Do lawyers make more money than other professions?

No. No. Lawyers earn less than dentists. Engineers. Teachers. Nurses. Accountants. Pharmacists. Veterinarians. On average, lawyers earn about $55,000 annually.

How can I get into law school

Law schools accept applications throughout the year. Many students prefer to apply early, rather than waiting until the last minute when there are so many applications. For more information, please contact the admissions department of the law school that you prefer.

What is the difference between paralegals and legal assistants?

Paralegals are trained in specific tasks, such as filing, typing, or researching. As legal assistants, they may be able to assist lawyers in writing pleadings, researching, and drafting motions. Both types of professionals help attorneys complete their workload.

Which type is the best lawyer?

A lawyer professional will not hesitate to ask the client what they need. They are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure clients receive the most effective representation possible.

Because they know that winning these cases will mean no business, they will be willing to accept cases other lawyers wouldn't take on.

Legal professionals know how to negotiate and can use their skills to obtain the best deal for their clients.

A person who is dedicated to providing exceptional service and high quality results. Someone who can think outside the box to find solutions that other people wouldn't.

A person who is trustworthy and ethical. Respects the regulations and rules set by the courts and government agencies.

A legal professional who has integrity and a strong working ethic.


  • The nationwide number of first-year students enrolling last fall increased by almost 12%, according to recent data by the American Bar Association. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • The median annual salary for lawyers in 2016 was $118,160, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). (rasmussen.edu)
  • According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for lawyers in 2020 was $126,930. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • According to a 2019 Robert Half Legal Consulting Solutions survey, 54% of law firms were planning to expand their legal teams. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average annual wage of a lawyer is $144,230. (legal.io)

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How To

Where can I get legal aid for free?

It can be difficult to find a pro bono attorney because there are many people who would love your business. There are several avenues you can use to locate a pro bono legal representative. You can contact your local bar association for information, search online to find a list, or consult your state's bar association. You can also find a probono attorney through your local law school. Many law schools offer their students the opportunity to work with low-income clients to give them access to justice. If none of these options appeal to you, you might consider reaching out to a non-profit organization like Legal Services Corporation (LSC). LSC supports nonprofit organizations throughout the country that provide civil legal help to people living below poverty lines. LSC funds programs that help low-income people with housing, child support enforcement, family legal matters, consumer protection and bankruptcy, as well as public benefits. LSC provides financial assistance as well as guidance and advice to grantees about how to best serve their clients. Some services include:

  • Financial counseling
  • Assistance with filing bankruptcy
  • Families can help to end domestic violence
  • Representation before administrative authorities

If you're looking for a pro bono attorney, but aren't sure where to start, here are some things to keep in mind :

  • Do not waste time looking for a lawyer that specializes in your case. Pro bono lawyers often represent different types of clients, which means they'll likely have little experience working with your particular kind of issue.
  • You should look for a lawyer with experience representing low-income clients. This means he or she already knows what it takes to communicate effectively with this demographic.
  • Ask if there is any specific training for your area. For example, if you're dealing with landlord/tenant issues, ensure the lawyer you choose has experience handling those kinds of cases.
  • Find out if the lawyer accepts new clients. Some lawyers only take on certain types of cases, so you won't be able to find one who works exclusively with pro bono clients.
  • Do not believe lawyers who claim to specialize within a specific area of law. Many lawyers will claim to be specialists in one area but not the other.
  • You should ensure the lawyer has a great reputation. Ask close friends and family for recommendations. You can also search online to find reviews left by other clients.

Las Vegas Trademark attorneys